
Sabionara Estate

The Faedo valley is home to a mosaic of vineyards, as they used to be: small plots with different varieties and a few fruit trees. The Sabionara Estate is a good example.

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15/01/2025 - 04:30
-0.7 °C
56 %
Minimum relative humidity
0.0 mm
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Weather Station

ARPAV - Faedo di Cinto Euganeo
Minimum relative humidity
Precipitation (sum)

On the Sabionara Estate, the roots of the vines go deep, making their way through soil and rubble resulting from the disintegration of trachyte over millions of years. The plants, between 200 and 260 metres above sea level, grow vigorously thanks to the good presence of water and mineral salts. As a result, we obtain fresh, savoury, fruity wines.

You only have to travel a few kilometres, sometimes just a few metres, to find completely different conditions. Two examples for comparison are the Merlot Le Cerese of the Sabionara Estate and the Merlot Sassonero of the Aganoor Estate: 5 kilometres as the crow flies and two different worlds.