Wineries of Italy - Go Wine in Rome

March 5, 2024
Promotional and tasting event dedicated to selected wineries in the Wineries of Italy 2024 volume.
The Go Wine Wineries of Italy tasting event comes to Rome at the Hotel Savoy (Via Ludovisi, 15). Our wines will also be available for tasting.
Go Wine presents the Guide by meeting a group of selected wineries featured in the volume, each expressing different territories, each carrying an important story and interesting wines to taste and comment on. Men and women of wine who have made meeting the wine tourist an important part of their company philosophy.
Tasting Schedule and Hours
4:15 PM - 6:00 PM: Preview: tasting reserved exclusively for qualified professional operators.
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM: first opening shift of the tasting counter to wine enthusiasts.
8:00 PM - 10:00 PM: second opening shift of the tasting counter to wine enthusiasts.
The cost of the tasting for the public is €20.00 (€13.00 for Go Wine Members, reduced rate for association members of the sector €16.00).